• General Officer Announcement dtd 11 March 2005

        Office of the Chief of Staff, Army      

    The Chief of Staff, Army announces the following officer assignment:

    Major General Kenneth D. Herbst, United States Army Reserve, Deputy Surgeon, Mobilization, Readiness and Reserve Affairs, Office of The Surgeon General, Falls Church, Virginia to Commander, Army Reserve Medical Command, Pinellas Park, Florida.

    Brigadier General Robert J. Kasulke, United States Army Reserve, Commander, 8th Medical Brigade, Staten Island, New York to Deputy Surgeon, Mobilization, Readiness and Reserve Affairs, Office of The Surgeon General, Falls Church, Virginia.

    Colonel Stanley L. K. Flemming, United States Army Reserve, Commander, 139th Medical Group, Independence, Missouri to Commander, 8th Medical Brigade, Staten Island, New York.